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2020 brought a sea change to business as usual as the American workforce—and global enterprise—went fully remote. Remote work has become the new normal. There have been some perks for employers, too, saving on business maintenance, upkeep, and travel expenses. About 64% of employees currently...

We started hearing about the Great Resignation back in 2019, but according to Ryan Roslansky, CEO at LinkedIn, the workforce is actually undergoing a “Great Reshuffle.” As Roslansky explains it, the pandemic sparked a change in how we work and what we value. On the...

If you’re reading this blog, you probably aren’t a stranger to all the obstacles to recruiting and retaining long-term hires in today’s talent market. With more Fortune 500 companies going fully remote and considering candidates in new geographies since the mass cubicle exodus started last...

When it comes to bringing on new talent, it’s critical to remember that while the goal of diversity and inclusion is key in building an accepting workplace where everyone can do their best work, using preferred employee and applicant pronouns is more than a common...

While job candidates and new hires ghosting employers has been a trend for years, another disturbing hiring trend is coming into sharper focus again. That’s because more candidates are expressing their frustration about recruiters and their companies going radio silent at all stages of the...

Last year the pandemic jolted the job market from a job seeker’s market into an employer’s market with the world economies crashing in freefall and layoffs and furloughs accelerating. Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed their doors with millions of workers losing their jobs—all too...