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  Your resume is your first impression on potential employers, and it plays a critical role in whether you get the job or not. While many job seekers focus on highlighting their achievements, it's equally important to list your responsibilities. In this blog, we'll discuss why...

  Depending on market demand for certain roles, recruiters and hiring managers could be sifting through hundreds of resumes which can be a lengthy and time-consuming process. Especially without the aid of an ATS or recruitment partner to help pre-qualify the best candidates. Your time is...

  Summertime—lounging by the pool, downing popsicles, and finding a new appreciation for yes, air conditioning. And what about looking for a job? The hotter, longer days of the year aren’t necessarily the worst time to be looking for your next position, but it can be...

  Taking vacation time is important, but apparently, it’s unusual. The Pew Research Center found that more than half of Americans aren’t using all their vacation time. To be exact, only 48% of workers max out their vacation days. Why? Most cite concerns of overwhelming coworkers...

  Writing about yourself is never easy, period. And crafting your professional bio comes with some added pressure because it matters more to your career than anything else you write. Whether it’s living on your website, your LinkedIn summary, or on a company or association page—your...

  If you interview job candidates—keep reading—this blog takes you through some seemingly innocuous questions that can get you into legal trouble. With the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in place to safeguard applicants from discrimination, some strict laws might surprise you. In this blog,...

  As the great resignation continues, more American workers are prioritizing their mental health over how things look on their resumes and rage quitting. Rage quitting is an unfortunate hallmark of toxic workplaces when an employee quits on the spot. Employers are already struggling with retention...

2020 brought a sea change to business as usual as the American workforce—and global enterprise—went fully remote. Remote work has become the new normal. There have been some perks for employers, too, saving on business maintenance, upkeep, and travel expenses. About 64% of employees currently...