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Fact, there are 1.5 jobs posted and available for every unemployed American—that’s the most on record in decades. The “Great Resignation” is a mind-bending new normal for employers struggling to hire and keep great talent. But there’s some good news. This window gives professionals an...

We started hearing about the Great Resignation back in 2019, but according to Ryan Roslansky, CEO at LinkedIn, the workforce is actually undergoing a “Great Reshuffle.” As Roslansky explains it, the pandemic sparked a change in how we work and what we value. On the...

If you’re reading this blog, you probably aren’t a stranger to all the obstacles to recruiting and retaining long-term hires in today’s talent market. With more Fortune 500 companies going fully remote and considering candidates in new geographies since the mass cubicle exodus started last...

The Great Resignation is upon us, and according to a recent NBC survey, upwards of 55% of the American workforce has their sights set on a new position in the coming year. It’s been a Black Mirror episode of eighteen months. Many of us have...

When it comes to bringing on new talent, it’s critical to remember that while the goal of diversity and inclusion is key in building an accepting workplace where everyone can do their best work, using preferred employee and applicant pronouns is more than a common...

It’s O.K, we’ve all been there. You’re either out of work or you’re more than ready to land another job, and sometimes it’s easy to panic or maybe even get trigger-happy with that Apply Now button. It can be tempting to use your cookie-cutter resume...

While job candidates and new hires ghosting employers has been a trend for years, another disturbing hiring trend is coming into sharper focus again. That’s because more candidates are expressing their frustration about recruiters and their companies going radio silent at all stages of the...

Summer is here along with higher temps and slower workdays. With pandemic travel restrictions gradually easing and fading away your colleagues' beachy or poolside vacation plans put on hold from last year are popping up all over Outlook. Out-of-office replies fill your inbox every morning,...

Last year the pandemic jolted the job market from a job seeker’s market into an employer’s market with the world economies crashing in freefall and layoffs and furloughs accelerating. Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed their doors with millions of workers losing their jobs—all too...

What does your workforce look like? When you think about the team members from your office or remote workplace, you’ve probably already become more aware of how many people of color and women are or are not being hired since you started. Twitter and LinkedIn...

Tired of hearing at interviews that you’re “overqualified” or you “might get bored in this role with your experience?” If this sounds familiar, it’s possible—conscious or not—you might be facing age discrimination in your job search. Job seekers in their fifties and over face ageism,...

It’s been over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the workplace and accelerated a swift paradigm shift to the remote workforce. And while we’re nowhere near getting back to normal—with new variants popping up regularly—and the United States still far from herd immunity, there’s...

First, congratulations, if you’re reading this blog then you’ve probably just received a job offer or you’re expecting one very soon. That means the hunt is over. Now, let’s talk about salary negotiation for your fully-remote role. Because let’s face it—even when we aren’t mid-pandemic—many...

A great hire can make an impact, drive higher productivity rates while sparking deeper collaboration, and bonus, stronger team chemistry. Finding the right talent who checks all the daily-responsibility boxes, has the right experience, and fits your company culture like a glove can drive results...

'Tis the season for out-of-office messages, vacation blocks, and pauses in hiring decisions. So, I understand what you’re thinking: Evelyn, the holidays are here, my job search is on ice until January. And while the communications may come to a temporary halt, that’s no reason...

Yes, it’s another blog about the “new normal,” because let’s be clear, the remote connected workforce isn’t going anywhere. Major tech companies including Google and Twitter are promoting permanent Work from Home—and employers across the enterprise and SMB market are following in suit. And while...

Maybe you’ve been furloughed or laid off during the current COVID job climate—or maybe you’re just ready to take the next step in your career. Wherever you are in your professional life and whatever sparked your job search, you are navigating new hiring processes and...

So, you have an interview even during the current healthcare crisis—congratulations! You are turning heads with your skills, experience, and resume, during a pandemic no less. You’re almost ready for a face-to-face talk with a hiring manager that could be life and career-altering. Ready to...

Social distancing has changed the way most of us work. In just a few weeks, the remote workforce that took 15 years to triple to pre-COVID numbers is the new normal. What’s normal look like? Zoom is now a verb. Your mute game has reached...

I know, as if the job search wasn’t challenging enough… the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has thrown a lot of hires and career moves in limbo. Just weeks ago, we were in a talent-driven market, with more job postings online than available applicants. Now, there’s a...

Congratulations, because if you’re reading this blog then you probably just landed a higher-paying position and potentially, a promotion while receiving some positive affirmation on your value at work from your current employer. Sound familiar? Putting in your notice takes courage, and now that big step...

The perfect hire can bring teams together, drive results and fuel higher productivity rates all while empowering a new level of collaboration. But what about the wrong hire? Bad hires can hurt team morale, stall corporate initiatives, increase turnover and cost employers big money. How...

What have you done for your LinkedIn lately? Whether you realize it or not, it’s an important question. When was the last time you posted an update or updated your headline or added an achievement to your profile? Because having a presence on LinkedIn is...

So you’re ready to make your next hire and you’re looking for that right marketer who will help up your branding game, right? You know exactly what and who you’re looking for and now you just need to reach the right candidates. And one of the...

Trying to attract and hire the right talent for your openings? The way candidates apply to positions and pick their employer is changing. Why? Actually, there’s a whole myriad of reasons. For starters, the workforce is evolving faster than ever before. Baby boomers are hitting retirement...

Are you a millennial in the workplace? If you are then you’re in good company. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, your generation will make up more than half of the workplace by 2020. But they have one major issue in the office—being...

There are over 433 million users on LinkedIn and many of them are probably competing for the same jobs. Here are some quick and easy steps to make sure your profile is on-point and getting noticed. Make your headline pop LinkedIn defaults your profile headline to your...

Interviews can seem like a nightmare. From random questions to awkward handshakes to losing your Wi-Fi half way through a Skype call – things can get awkward. But acing an interview only takes more preparation on your end. And we’ve made it easier for you to...

According to an average of 118 candidates apply for every job that’s posted, and just 20% of those applicants get an interview. Getting the interview takes the right chops and a resume that shows off your experience. 1. Keep it simple. Recruiters and hiring managers making...

The search for the perfect job can seem endless, but sometimes, (if you’re lucky), the Recruiting process flies by. Before you know it, you have an offer, maybe before you’ve stopped asking yourself, is this really where I want to be? As a Recruiter, I’ve seen...

Are you ready to start the search? Let’s make sure. There are important steps that go into taking that next step in your career—seven to be exact. Make sure you do these things before ever clicking Apply. 1.    Get inspired. Finding the right position doesn’t happen overnight....

Whether you’re trying to break into the workforce or looking to transition into a new career, these tips from James Citrin will help you make that next move: read full article. “The Permission Paradox” – You can’t get the job without the experience but you can’t get the experience...